Built intelligent robot control system at the entrance and exit of Incheon International Airport

Incheon International Airport in Chapter RDC intelligent robot 14 vs. production and robotic control system to build this business in the country with orders intelligent robot business of the large scale △ departure lounge waiting staff know , gate guides , flight Prohibited articles promotion to the departure hall robots and △ baggage receipt for numbers , passengers face the voice guidance for Arrival robot introduced and △ Incheon International Airport, the internal system Linking the robot control system to build is . Especially this time the domestic first to introduce the robot control system, LG CNS has its own building robot service platform based on the airport and the internal system by linking multiple units for robot control and a variety of services that support is . LG CNS robot control system Airport in the system saved the departure hall congestion status to the robot transfer and departure hall robot to the passengers waiting time low

Departure Hall information to guide service such as providing the Incheon International Airport utilizes the customer's convenience, increased as is expected . Also on the scene that the robot position and activities of the situation confirmed to the robot to move the copper consider robots for individual and group control can have the scene of the central road service enables it .

Built intelligent robot control system at the entrance and exit of Incheon International Airport    Source: http://soccerdin.tistory.com/291      # AI Robot # Smart Airport # Artificial Intelligence Robot # Incheon International Airport Robot Control System # Intelligent Robot

仁川国際空港 ロボット制御システム  構築      出典:http://soccerdin.tistory.com/291    #AIロボット #スマート空港 #人工知能ロボット #ロボット制御システム